No Pasaran: A Newsletter of Independent Journalism
I am launching a newsletter to share my work regularly, and give people a good stream of reporting on the far-right, antifascism, and social movements. The newsletter will be twice monthly (on average) and cover new articles I have written for places like Political Research Associates, Protean Magazine, Full Stop, Truthout, Jacobin, Alternet, The Independent, and others. I will also include podcast, television shows, and other article I am quoted in, and a few selections from other fantastic journalists who inspire me.
I will also be including regular updates of book projects I am working on and even some commentary, and will hopefully be a great way for you to stay plugged into my work and stay educated on what is happening in the global struggle against fascism.
Go ahead and click the link below to subscribe and I will send out the first newsletter in a couple of weeks!