Welcome to Hot Girl Summer (New Updates)

Shane Burley
2 min readJul 5, 2023


It’s been a busy one!

So far I’ve been sort of overwhelmed with events, but there have been a few really unique ones put together by stand-out organizers. First, I was recently on a digital conversation about Murray Bookchin, organized by the great folks at AK Press and alongside Debbie Bookchin, Marina Sitrin, and Bill McKibben. Shortly after I joined a session of Right to the City’s educational series on fascism, with our session specifically about the class dynamics of the far-right. The video is not available yet, but you can register for the rest of the sessions here for free (and they are dope, so I highly recommend them). In August I’ll be presenting at the Los Angeles Anarchist Bookfair and at the University of Oregon in October.

I’ve started trying to move on from Twitter (at least until I go through retweet withdrawals), and have gotten on the two big new contributors. So please follow me on them if you are doing those, and I promise to have the best hot girl takes.

Follow me on:

You can also find my whole spread of new links, articles, and fun stuff at my Linktree.

I have also been publishing regularly at my newsletter, The Maiseh Review, and have a lot planned for the next few months. You can become a free subscriber and you’ll get everything, I’m trying to have nothing that Patreon folks would not be able to have access to.

Check out a few recent newsletter posts:

I also have some big things on the way. Next spring I will be releasing my latest book (co-authored with Ben Lorber) called Safety in Solidarity: Fighting Antisemitism and Winning a Just World, published by Melville House. It’s a radical take on the question of antisemitism, cutting through debates on intersectionality and Zionism, and demanding that we see how antisemitism is related both to all other forms of oppression and the conspiracism destroying our social movements. I am hoping that at about that point I can formally announce my next book, which I started back in 2018 and I think you will be excited to read.

I am also going to publish my second and third features in a series I am doing on the “post-alt-right,” the first of which I published in Truthout and covered Matthew Heimbach’s attempts to rebrand. I also have a feature coming out in the next issue of Oregon Humanities, and should be releasing a few other pieces in the coming couple of months.

If you are looking to host podcasts or digital discussions or even in person ones, make sure to reach out and we can see if we can arrange it. The best part of my work is being in discussion with others, and so I try to take as many opportunities as I can.



Shane Burley
Shane Burley

Written by Shane Burley

Filmmaker and author of Fascism Today: What It Is and How to End It. His work is featured at Jacobin, In These Times, Salon, Truthout, etc. @Shane_Burley1

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